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Yolanda Me’ Shell Roberts


Wife. Mother. Entrepreneur. Coach. Advocate

Yolanda Me’ Shell Roberts is a woman with a passion to encourage others that are going through a storm and, is always on a mission to help others find God’s plan for their life. She is an aspiring Author, with a new brand release of “No Sting No Bling” a concept that reminds individuals that you will experience the stings of Life…Don’t stop until you find your reason to shine again”.

Yolanda is the founder of "Healing Hearts Network" which was birthed in 2007 while supporting a friend during the loss of a child.  Yolanda has personally experienced family tragedies and while supporting her friend she was reminded that other individuals are experiencing similar challenges of losing loved ones, health problems, financial struggles, relationship issues and more. She wanted to encourage and remind the community that "You are not alone".

At Healing Hearts Network; the motto is to Accept. Heal. Move. We help women and youth deal with the challenges of life through support and empowerment. We create a greater awareness by networking and creating programs for individuals dealing with the challenges of life. Healing Hearts offers awareness workshops, meetings and stage plays to help you identify common challenges and allow you to receive tools to move forward to a purpose driven life.

Yolanda retired from the banking industry after 16 years of service as a senior manager, trainer/coach and developing specialist, leading networking groups and planning community events to work full time with her organization. 

Being raised to be independent, Yolanda created ways to earn personal income without returning to corporate America. She started her owns travel agency "Lafleur Travel Company". Yolanda also has a registered in home daycare "Early Hearts Childcare".   

Yolanda is able to fulfill her love for gospel music in her current role at Southwest Community Christian Center "The Bridge" where she is a choir director, she also sings on the Praise Team and in the Mass Choir. 

Yolanda is married to Todd Roberts and they have two wonderful children Todd Jay and Jaela.




In February 2007, I lost my 19 month old son.  As I searched the City of Houston for some much needed support, I found a really good place, way across town, that I went to and drug my family there with me because I wanted us all to deal with the loss, knowing that if you do not deal with the hurt and pain, it peeks its head up somewhere else in your life.  Although, I found the support that I needed, I still felt a void knowing that there was so much more going on around me and wondering are those other folks seeking help?  If so, where are they going?

When I would leave my support group, and on my long ride home, I would feel even sadder.  Yolanda would always call me on my drive home.  One day she called to ask her normal question, “How are you doing today?”  As I began to open up and talk to Yolanda, we discussed how we as a people were taught to be strong people.  We internalize our pain, not wanting other folks to be in our business.  We feel that we can handle it on our own.  …but the truth is, if you don’t deal with the pain, if you suppress it, it peeks its head up somewhere else in our lives.  Yolanda quietly responded, “Well friend, what do we do about it?”

In October 2007, Yolanda, with an already burning vision and desire to help people, and I founded Healing Hearts Network, a community support organization developed to bring the much needed resources and support to our own communities.

© 2015 LoveJones Designs.  Services donated to Healing Hearts Network

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